Almost half of young Canadians are taking “bizcations”

In its Vacation Confidence Study, Allianz Global Assistance reports that Canadian professionals aged 18-34, are leading the rise in the bizcation trend with a growing desire to blend remote work and vacations.

The study revealed that almost half (47 per cent) of young professionals plan to work remotely while travelling in 2024.

Bizcations are an emerging trend in the workplace, where employees can work and travel simultaneously without taking time off. It can also include tacking on a few days before or after a business trip.

The increasing prevalence of remote work options has empowered young professionals to work virtually anywhere. Allianz’s Vacation Confidence Study found that 17 per cent of Canadians aged 18-34 say that the stress and time of planning to take time off work is a considerable barrier to them planning a vacation this year. This demographic’s enthusiasm for bizcations represents a paradigm shift in how work and travel are integrated, opening up new opportunities to enjoy a healthier work-life balance.

Work life balance

The bizcation phenomenon has reshaped the way individuals approach work and travel. Allianz’s Study found that roughly a third of those taking a bizcation this year plan to be away for a considerable amount of time – about three weeks or longer.

Popular takeaways from Allianz’s Vacation Confidence Study include:

  • Many Canadians will tie-in a vacation with work responsibilities either by working remotely from a vacation destination (30%) or by adding vacation time to a business trip (24 per cent)
  • Canadians with children (43 per cent) are also likely to blend work and vacation in the same trip
  • There has been a shift in Canadians’ destination preferences – beyond Canada, Mexico/Caribbean (24 per cent) and the US (21 per cent) are the most popular vacation destinations this year